I think we’ve aged this poor guy quite a bit in the last six years!!
Sorry Father
Our Father Damian is celebrating 40 years of life this year. We would like to invite everyone to his celebration. It will be held on Saturday, March 15th, beginning with Mass at 4:00pm followed by a Roast Beef and Sausage Dinner at the Parish Hall. We are asking those who attend to please bring your favorite side dish or dessert to be shared by all. Signup sheets are posted on the bulletin board. When you sign up for a side dish or dessert if you could please let us know how many will be attending. The church will provide the main dish, beer, wine, tea and water.
Information on our local CDA scholarships will be forthcoming. Deadline for the local scholarship is March 1, 2025.
CHTR (Children’s Hospital Trail Ride) will be holding their BBQ Cookoff March 7-8, 2025 and the Trail Ride on March 28-29, 2025 at Kosciusko Community Hall.
We would love for the Community to come out to support this great cause for the Children. We have 4 Inspiration Children – Cade Akin-Stockdale, Elizabeth Ruple-Cestohowa, Susli & Leelynd Dragon-Barnett-Panna Maria.
COOKOFF – There will be breakfast tacos for sale in the am along with free coffee. Will have items available for lunch. Again, would love for the Community to come and join CHTR. Will have Silent Auction. If you have any donations for the Silent Auction, it would be greatly appreciated.
TRAIL RIDE - If anyone would like to come join, we also have Wagons to ride on if you do not have horses. Your breakfast, lunch, dinner and dance are included in the Trail Ride Registration. We will have tickets for the Fish Fry on Friday night. Have bought more pots for frying to help take care of the long line. Tickets are $12 for the Fish Fry. Serving will begin at 5:00 PM on Friday March 28, 2025. For the BBQ Meal on Saturday, the 29th, we will have the Combo Ticket available again for $20 (Meal & Dance) BBQ Meal tickets only will be $12.00. You may contact Annette Gorzell (210 365-4058) for Tickets. Live Auction and Silent Auction Items are greatly appreciated. Raffle has over $10,000 worth of prizes. So, get your raffle tickets. Please come out and join us for the LIVE Auction on Saturday at 6:30. Silent auction will be going on all day Friday and Saturday.
Again, any questions please call – Annette Gorzell (210) 365-4058. Thank you
We would like to invite everyone to our Parishes’ Lenten Retreat scheduled for Saturday, March 8th beginning at 2:30 followed by the Saturday evening Mass. Doors will open at 2:15! Father will begin with opening prayers. Next come and experience the Stations of the Cross through the Eyes of Mary. During Adoration, the church will be filled with quiet instrumental music sure to bring peace to your soul as you gaze upon the Monstrance holding The Body of Our Precious Lord and Savior. We continue with the Holy Mass at 5:30pm. If you are looking for a way to begin your spiritual journey through Lent, this will surely get you started on the right path.
Catholic Daughters are creating a cookbook and are asking parishioners for their help. If you have a favorite recipe or a treasured recipe from a loved one, please drop it in the box at the entrance of the church. It can be handwritten, typed or just a copy. If you prefer to email your recipe, you can do so at jandckruse@gmail.com. Please ensure that you include your name so we know who to give the credit to for the amazing recipe. We can’t wait to see how many different recipes we will get. Thank you everyone.
DEADLINE is May 31st.
Are coming up and going up. We are raising the amount from $10 to $20. Please use your envelope in your 2025 Donation Box. Thank You for understanding!!!!!
The membership fees ($25.00) for 2025 are now due. You can bring your donation to the meeting or you can place your payment into the donation basket at one of the weekend masses. Please make sure to mark it CDA Dues. You can also mail it to
Sara Dallmeyer
P.O. Box 1262, Poth, TX 78147
Newborn – 12 mo. Clothing and shoes.
JCDA Meeting
KC’s Meeting
Catholic Daughters Meeting
ACT’s Fish Fry
Spanish Mass For March
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Panna Maria
Pastor: Fr. Wieslaw Iwaniec
Address: 13879 N. FM 81, Panna Maria, TX 78144
Contact: 830-780-2748; pan1854@yahoo.com
Website: www.pannamariachurch.com
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