This youth auxiliary was founded in 1925. its membership is divided into three age levels, Juniorettes (6-10), Juniors (11-14) and Teens (15-18). In 1979 there were approximately 250 local units with 5,000 members.
The Daughters have historically been interested in helping physically and mentally handicapped children. They have also been known for their opposition to abortion and pornography.
They are involved in, and contribute financially to, such projects as Habitat for Humanity and the children's charity Smile Train as well as raise funds to support elderly religious through Soar!
Any girls from age 6-18 years that are interested in joining JCDA and all the fun summer fellowship and events planned, please complete a form at the entrance of the church and drop it into the box or just come to one of the monthly meetings.
Chairman – Danette Lyssy
Co-Chairman – Stacy Koether
President – Aldyn Johnson
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