“And every day, the Lord added to their numbers those who were being saved” ACTS 2:47
To provide the spark that ignites Catholics, worldwide, with the true eternal flame of the Holy Spirit. As an instrument of God, ACTS is a light that will bring about the new evangelization to the entire world by fostering love and true discipleship, leading others to a commitment and obedience to The Lord Jesus Christ by our every word, action and thought.
An ACTS weekend is designed to help the retreatants enter into a new or deeper relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners. It is a three day and three night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners; it begins on Thursday evening and ends the following Sunday at a Mass celebrated with the parish community.
Talks and activities during the retreat focus on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service. Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are the guides for the retreats. The weekend allows the retreatant to experience God's love and joy, all of which emphasizes and encourages the virtue of Service to our Lord, our parish, and one another.
The ACTS movement came to birth from the Cursillo Movement through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the Archdiocese of San Antonio and approved by Bishop Patrick Flores. ACTS is based from the book of ACTS 2:42-47. It started in 1987 at our Lady of Perpetual Help in Selma, a small suburb of San Antonio.
ACTS is an acronym for:
Adoration - the call by, acceptance of, and response to God
Community - the love and caring of each other
Theology - the study of God through scripture and the Catholic Faith
Service - to God and his people.
The first Women’s retreat hosted by Blessed Sacrament Parish was in December 2008. The first Men’s retreat was in September 2009. Currently, Blessed Sacrament Church hosts one women’s ACTS retreat and one men’s ACTS retreat per year.
Today, ACTS retreats have spread over the state of Texas and throughout other states in the US, recently in Georgia, New York and in Arizona, and in other countries including Canada, Mexico, Honduras, England and South Africa.
For more information, please visit the ACTS Mission website.
Robin Muennick
Shawn Nelson
Mary Baumann
Janie Hennig
William Hons
The Healing Rosary – every Thursday and Sunday
The Patriotic Rosary – July 4 at 8:00AM at the Poth Plaza (by the six flags)
The Patriotic Rosary – second Saturday in October at 12:00PM at the Poth Plaza (by the six flags)
Lead Rosary at 5:30 Mass – every last Saturday of the month
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