Effective May 23rd, 2021, on the Solemnity of Pentecost, the obligation for Catholics to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation is reinstated for all Catholics in the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
Please check the insert in the bulletin for valuable information on new protocol for COVID19, mask usage and changes to help return us back to normal.
The only thing that is NOT being allowed yet is the Holy Water and the Sign of Peace. AND please do not hold hands during the Our Father.
Mask usage for those who have had at least one of the vaccines will not be required in church. We invite those who are not vaccinated to wear a mask, however no one will be asked to prove their vaccination status. If you have not received your vaccine or have chosen not to we ask that you be mindful of those more vulnerable around you. Social distancing is not required but again when at all possible we can continue to practice for the safety of all of us. Sanitizing the church, the use of hand sanitizers in our church and facilities will continue. We will continue to have two lines on the outside aisles for Holy Communion. Priest, Deacons and Eucharistic Ministers will continue to wear a mask during the distribution of the Most Holy Eucharist.
The Gifts will be brought from the entrance of the church and presented to Father at the Altar. It’s been awhile but if you are asked to do this most prestigious duty please don’t forget to bow after giving Father the gifts. Also before touching the Ciborium and the Wine please use hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is always available at the entrance of the church.
Church Support and donations will still need to be placed in the basket at the entrance of the church. Missalettes will be brought back into the church at some point in time. Continue to use your Word Among Us for the Readings. Slowly and with God’s Grace, we will resume normalcy in the near future. Thank you for all of your patience and cooperation through this pandemic.
On December 4, the Archdiocese issued a statement regarding the moral permissibility of using the vaccines for COVID-19 developed by Pfizer and Moderna, which are the only ones currently approved, distributed, and administered in the United States for people 16 years (Pfizer) and 18 years (Moderna) of age and older. Knowing that under the current circumstances we may in good conscience use the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, each of us will soon have to decide whether or not to take such vaccines when they become available in our area. While making this discernment, we must keep in mind that not everyone will be able to take them right away. Some will not be able to take them at all. For example:----Upon the emergency approval of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued specific indications for its use among special populations, such as people with immunocompromising conditions, women who are pregnant or plan to be pregnant, women who are breastfeeding, and people with a moderate/severe acute illness. Some within these special groups might need to wait to be vaccinated, even if the vaccine is already available for them to use.----Other people, such as those with a history of severe allergic reactions (e.g. anaphylaxis) may simply not be able to get vaccinated due to their particular condition. Additionally, the process of making and distributing enough vaccines for everyone who can take them will require months, which means that many people in our country and around the world will remain at risk of becoming infected for an extended period of time. Under such circumstances, it is important to keep in mind that, along with our natural obligation to care for our personal health, we have a moral responsibility to care for those around us. Given the extremely serious risk to public health currently posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, this means that we are called upon to protect others from infection and care for the common good. We take vaccines not only to protect ourselves but to protect others, which is why this is not only a matter of our personal preferences or rights, but a matter of fulfilling our duty to care for all. At the entrance of the church you will find copies of the latest comments on the permissibility of the use of vaccines against COVID-19. Please take a copy.
Church Office/Rectory
Masks are mandatory upon entering and visiting the Church Office and Rectory.
Employees and/or guests who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 but have not been evaluated by a medical professional are presumed to have COVID-19 and should not be allowed to work until the following criteria are met.
An employee or guest who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 related and wants to return to work before completing the above criteria must obtain a medical professional's note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis.
Employees and/or guests who have direct contact with a person known to have COVID-19 should self-quarantine for 14 days from exposure. If at the end of that period no symptoms develop, then the employee may return to work.
Employees and/or guests who have had secondary exposure to an individual known to have COVID-19 (meaning contact with someone who had direct contact with a person known to have COVID-19), should wear a mask at all times within the Church Office/Rectory for 14 days.
Employees and/or guests who have an elevated temperature or answer positively to the health screening questions, will be instructed to leave the Church Office/Rectory and return to their home and seek professional medical guidance. Will not be allowed to return to the Church Office/Rectory until the conditions set forth by the CDC and State of Texas criteria outlined above have been met.
Employees in the Church Office/Rectory do not have to wear their masks in the office if Social Distancing can be maintained. Masks must be worn if guests enter the site.
Parish Hall
Currently we have chosen NOT to rent the hall to outside individuals. Facility may be used by our Church Organizations and our Faith Formation Program provided that all guidelines set forth by the Governor, CDC, and Archbishop Gustavo will be adhered to.
Masks and Social Distancing will apply and attendance will be limited to 50% capacity.
Organizations will be responsible for sanitizing and cleaning the facility once their function is complete. Supplies will be provided by the Church.
Faith Formation Classes will not be required to clean the facility after their classes are done. A professional cleaning crew will sanitize and clean the facility the following day.
Faith Formation Building
Masks for all employees, volunteers and/or students are mandatory upon entering and visiting the Faith Formation Building. Hand sanitizer must be used when entering the Building.
Employees, volunteers and/or students who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 but have not been evaluated by a medical professional are presumed to have COVID-19 and should not be allowed to work, volunteer or attend class until the following criteria are met.
An employee, volunteer and/or student who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 related and wants to return to work, volunteer or attend class before completing the above criteria must obtain a medical professional's note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis.
Employees, volunteers and/or students who have direct contact with a person known to have COVID-19 should self-quarantine for 14 days from exposure. If at the end of that period no symptoms develop, then the employee, volunteer and/or student may return to work, volunteering or class.
Employees, volunteers and/or students who have had secondary exposure to an individual known to have COVID-19 (meaning contact with someone who had direct contact with a person known to have COVID-19), should wear a mask at all times within the Faith Formation Building for 14 days
Employees, volunteers and/or students who have an elevated temperature or answer positively to the health screening questions, will be instructed to leave the Faith Formation Building and return to their home and seek professional medical guidance. The employee, volunteer and/or student will not be allowed to return to the Faith Formation Building until the conditions set forth by the CDC and State of Texas criteria outlined above have been met.
Snacks and drinks will be provided in individual packaging and served by food preparers or distributers who wear masks and gloves at all times. Process should be designed in such a way as to limit contact between the food preparer and the students they are serving.
All classrooms (to include desks/tables, chairs, door knobs and all frequently touched surfaces) will be cleaned between classes. Restrooms and kitchen will also be cleaned between classes.
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